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Wednesday, 29 November 2017



this week we have been learning about Challengers,challengers i like what we face hard,the hard bit was that i had to meme raise about the challenge i face,but the easy bit was just writing it.then i had to write a introduction,but i was done then i had free time because i was finished,here is the work i done! :) :) :)

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

WAL: to use hooks in our writing

Hi,in this week we are learning to use hooks in our reading,so first the steps we took was by using hooks,hooks means like your hooking a reader to hear what your reading about,what was hard, the hard thing was that i didn't know what hooks mean but ms explain what it means,i really enjoyed the activity, here is the work!

Monday, 20 November 2017



this week we have been learning about,compare contraction sheet,its like 3 circle's one is life the other one is six,and the last one is embarrassment,what we have to do is we had to write down the feeling of the girl in the story,the step i took was that i wrote down the key words then write it into words,

What was easy?,what was easy was that i just had to write down what ms said she said to write down key words,and then write them into words. 

here is my work :) :) :) :)

Friday, 10 November 2017

Unique Writing

today i had learned about Unique,Unique is like it means special,so the first step was that i  was using adding conjunction, so that it makes scenes,then i was saying to myself i need help so ms called my group name for the unique,then we were fixing up mistake's then i was done.

hope you enjoy it!

Friday, 3 November 2017

Maths Slideshow

Maths Slideshow

in room 11,we were doing our slideshow,it's always hard whenever we have to do maths slideshow,but it's never hard whenever you listen,so when i was at a maths test my friends were doing the maths slideshow,after i was done i helped them fix up some mistake,then they showed sally and she agreed with their maths slide show then they wanted me to join their group then i said OK it's up to you's.
the hard step was,that we were stuck but we worked it out,the easy step was,solving the problems.

here is the slideshow:Enjoy :)